Got a bunch of old stuff kicking around. I wont be posting prices, most of this stuff I'm letting go for best offer. Wednesday is garbage day, so if its not gone by next Tuesday evening (Nov 4th), its going in the trash. Not posting pics, most of this stuff is self explanatory. If you are interested in anything and require a pic, let me know and i'll get you one.
Here's the list:
VW MK4 6.5" speakers (2 Sets)
VW MK4 OEM Headunit
VW MK4 Golf Center console, vents, NA headlight switch
VW MK3 OEM Headunit (Tapedeck) this would be a great item for a retro build
E30 5.25" speakers (2 Sets)
E30 Rear parcel shelf for premium sound
Dual 10" sub box
MA Audio 1 Farad Cap (Conditionally Sold)
Alpine Handsfree Bluetooth (Conditionally Sold)
Numerous 6.5" speaker grills
3 Sumitomo tires (225/40R18, little treat left, mount em and roast em!)
Stand up tire holder (Sold)
Xbox360 first gen (has red ring of death, but heard some know how to easily fix it) (Conditionally Sold)
Again, if you're interested throw me an offer. Most likely you'll get what you want.
Here's the list:
VW MK4 6.5" speakers (2 Sets)
VW MK4 OEM Headunit
VW MK4 Golf Center console, vents, NA headlight switch
VW MK3 OEM Headunit (Tapedeck) this would be a great item for a retro build
E30 5.25" speakers (2 Sets)
E30 Rear parcel shelf for premium sound
Dual 10" sub box
MA Audio 1 Farad Cap (Conditionally Sold)
Alpine Handsfree Bluetooth (Conditionally Sold)
Numerous 6.5" speaker grills
3 Sumitomo tires (225/40R18, little treat left, mount em and roast em!)
Stand up tire holder (Sold)
Xbox360 first gen (has red ring of death, but heard some know how to easily fix it) (Conditionally Sold)
Again, if you're interested throw me an offer. Most likely you'll get what you want.