These are newly rebuilt EGT sensors that have had the PC boards replaced. They started functioning EGTs and take the OEM boards out and clean up the snot that is in the case. I test the probe part to make sure the resistance is dropping within specs. Solder in the new boards and Adhere the boards and all the wires in MG Chemicals RTV adhesive silicon. That keeps them insulated and keeps any wires or the boards from ever moving. I discarded the original caps and cut new ones out of thermal plastic that is put in place with black high heat silicon adhesive. Alot of the problem with the OEM ones is the covers don't seal and water and dust get in there.
I am looking for $300.00 for the pair and will return $50 if you return your OEM sensors with functioning probes and in a shape good enough for me to do another set.
These are newly rebuilt EGT sensors that have had the PC boards replaced. They started functioning EGTs and take the OEM boards out and clean up the snot that is in the case. I test the probe part to make sure the resistance is dropping within specs. Solder in the new boards and Adhere the boards and all the wires in MG Chemicals RTV adhesive silicon. That keeps them insulated and keeps any wires or the boards from ever moving. I discarded the original caps and cut new ones out of thermal plastic that is put in place with black high heat silicon adhesive. Alot of the problem with the OEM ones is the covers don't seal and water and dust get in there.
I am looking for $300.00 for the pair and will return $50 if you return your OEM sensors with functioning probes and in a shape good enough for me to do another set.
