Well, today I went out for coffee with the wife and given that today was somewhat a nice day, out came the 16v. It has been about two weeks since I had last driven it, and of course, it was a joy. Our usual Second Cup was closed so we ended up at a different location. As she went to order coffee, a gentelmen in an SUV with a couple of kids in the back said "Nice Car". Not thinking anything of it as he did not strike me as a Mk2 enthusiast, I replied a modest "thank you, I try and keep it clean". He then continued on about how he had once owned the same car (year and colour). We chatted for a while, and he mentioned that the 16v was the only car he would buy back. So I have come to the conclusion, with the help of Gavin (I believe that was his name), that I will keep the 16v until the right time comes when it truly doesnt make any sense to own. If anyone is serious about buying the car, message me. Maybe by that time, the car no longer fits my life and would be better off in the hands of another caring owner. Until then...