So I've got 5 A8 monoblock rims with tires.
The spare has a crappy looking finish, and clear coat is peeling. Brake fluid got on that one rim.
18" 5x112
I'll have to double check width and offset.
245/45/18 michelin winter tires, lots of tread left, will have to measure.
245/45/18 Dunlop on the spare.
Not sure what these are worth, tires were over $1400 new.
The spare has a crappy looking finish, and clear coat is peeling. Brake fluid got on that one rim.
18" 5x112
I'll have to double check width and offset.
245/45/18 michelin winter tires, lots of tread left, will have to measure.
245/45/18 Dunlop on the spare.
Not sure what these are worth, tires were over $1400 new.