I have new stock parts off my car that aren’t doing me much good so they are up for sale!!!
- Stock 2.0T engine cover/ intake. mint condition maybe 15xxx km on it. Asking 50 obo
- Stock GTI suspension. about 20xxx km on it. If you’re looking for a better handling set up for your rabbit or jetta, but still want to retain the factory drivability then this might very well be your answer! (Also if your looking to lower your tiguan to get that more aggressive stance this also is the way go! and all for less than the price of springs!) SOLDSOLD
- Base Carriers for the Volkswagen rooftop system. Perfect shape I just don’t use them. Now I know they fit the rabbit and GTI but not too sure about the jettas. Asking 200 obo
- Gorilla Gear Accessories included (those little bracket things) fits rabbit and gti SOLD
- Rabbit monster mats(full set) Perfect condition. $70 obo
- GTI monster mats(full set) Perfect condition. $70 obo
- Side markers painted Tornado Red. Will fit any [B]MK5 Rabbit, GTI, GLI, or JETTA
PM for details. Thanks for looking.
- Stock 2.0T engine cover/ intake. mint condition maybe 15xxx km on it. Asking 50 obo
- Stock GTI suspension. about 20xxx km on it. If you’re looking for a better handling set up for your rabbit or jetta, but still want to retain the factory drivability then this might very well be your answer! (Also if your looking to lower your tiguan to get that more aggressive stance this also is the way go! and all for less than the price of springs!) SOLDSOLD
- Base Carriers for the Volkswagen rooftop system. Perfect shape I just don’t use them. Now I know they fit the rabbit and GTI but not too sure about the jettas. Asking 200 obo
- Gorilla Gear Accessories included (those little bracket things) fits rabbit and gti SOLD
- Rabbit monster mats(full set) Perfect condition. $70 obo
- GTI monster mats(full set) Perfect condition. $70 obo
- Side markers painted Tornado Red. Will fit any [B]MK5 Rabbit, GTI, GLI, or JETTA
PM for details. Thanks for looking.