- Lower engine cover 1.8T - painted red - $10 (Tentatively sold)
- Stock Reflex Silver grille - no emblem - $10 (Tentatively sold)
- Stock sunroof control/overhead light - grey - $10 (Tentatively sold)
- Black cloth Seats - front and rear - good condition - $150 (Tentatively sold)
- Most all interior trim pieces from the roof - grab handles, mini sunvisor, sunroof slide - all grey - FREE (Tentatively gone)
- Stock front sway bar - FREE
- All 4 doors Weather Stripping - FREE (Tentatively gone)
All of these things need to go, almost any reasonable offer will be accepted. Pm me with offers. Anything that is free must be picked up in Cochrane or Calgary NE
EDIT - Sold some things and added another. This stuff must go. Lowballers Welcome!
- Stock Reflex Silver grille - no emblem - $10 (Tentatively sold)
- Stock sunroof control/overhead light - grey - $10 (Tentatively sold)
- Black cloth Seats - front and rear - good condition - $150 (Tentatively sold)
- Most all interior trim pieces from the roof - grab handles, mini sunvisor, sunroof slide - all grey - FREE (Tentatively gone)
- Stock front sway bar - FREE
- All 4 doors Weather Stripping - FREE (Tentatively gone)
All of these things need to go, almost any reasonable offer will be accepted. Pm me with offers. Anything that is free must be picked up in Cochrane or Calgary NE
EDIT - Sold some things and added another. This stuff must go. Lowballers Welcome!