I've decided to part out my car so that I can lower my selling price and get it finally sold! The following items are up for grabs so PM me if you want 'em!
- 19†x 8.5†Axis Supermesh wheels w/ Yokohama AVS Sport tires (4000km on tires) - $1,900
- Neuspeed 28mm rear sway bar - $200
- VW OEM Navigation System - $600
- R-32 steering wheel - $250 + stock 20th / GLI wheel (sold - whew that was quick!)
- Euro taillights - $180 + stock GTI tails
- OEM HID’s w/ Laminex (purchased brand new for $1,800! at the end of the summer) $1,250
- 19†x 8.5†Axis Supermesh wheels w/ Yokohama AVS Sport tires (4000km on tires) - $1,900
- Neuspeed 28mm rear sway bar - $200
- VW OEM Navigation System - $600
- R-32 steering wheel - $250 + stock 20th / GLI wheel (sold - whew that was quick!)
- Euro taillights - $180 + stock GTI tails
- OEM HID’s w/ Laminex (purchased brand new for $1,800! at the end of the summer) $1,250