Hey all, I was doing some garage cleaning and I've found some left over parts.
- rear valence w/out cutout - jetta - SOLD
- rear calence w/ cutout - jetta - SOLD
- front valence - jetta
- front valence (painted red) - jetta
- 1.8t lower engine cover piece (the small one - also painted red)
- almost brand new stock muffler
- jetta grill (no vw symbol - silver) (also have a jetta grill insert)
- front and rear rotors (stock - almost new)
- front and rear shocks (stock - almost new)
- battery box cover only (painted red)
Shoot me some offers and I'll see what I can do, pics can be available on request (could be a day or two until I get my camera back). Everything is in great shape, the red front valence has a few scratches on the bottom.
- rear valence w/out cutout - jetta - SOLD
- rear calence w/ cutout - jetta - SOLD
- front valence - jetta
- front valence (painted red) - jetta
- 1.8t lower engine cover piece (the small one - also painted red)
- almost brand new stock muffler
- jetta grill (no vw symbol - silver) (also have a jetta grill insert)
- front and rear rotors (stock - almost new)
- front and rear shocks (stock - almost new)
- battery box cover only (painted red)
Shoot me some offers and I'll see what I can do, pics can be available on request (could be a day or two until I get my camera back). Everything is in great shape, the red front valence has a few scratches on the bottom.